Friday, March 21

Upgrade from Weblogic 9.2 to Weblogic 11g 10.3.4

This tutorial will cover how to complete a Weblogic 9.2 MP3 in-place upgrade to 10.3.4 on RedHat Enterprise Edition.
Before you begin, you need to perform a system audit to ensure there is enough capacity to support the upgrade.
We recommend at least 4GB of free disk space. However, you’ll need to determine the correct space based on your application requirements. In addition you will need to coordinate with your development team. Applications will have to be recompiled using the latest java version 1.6._X and redeployed. Weblogic 9.2.x requires JRE 1.5 and is not supported with 11g.
Below are our current and new directory structures. This can be changed to meet your environment settings.

Existing Weblogic 9.2.3 Layout:
$BEA_HOME: /opt/bea
$SERVER_HOME: /opt/bea/wls9.2
$JAVA_HOME: /opt/java/jdk-1.5.0_22
$DOMAIN_HOME: /opt/prd/app_domain

Proposed Weblogic 10.3.4. Layout: 
$ORACLE_HOME: /apps/oracle/middleware
$SERVER_HOME: /apps/oracle/middleware/wlserver_10.3
$JAVA_HOME: /apps/java/jdk160_21
$DOMAIN_HOME: /opt/prd/app_domain

Step 1) Backup 9.2 Domain.
During the install, Oracle will create a zip file in the domain you are upgrading. This step provides an additional layer of recovery in case of file corruption during the upgrade.
tar –cvf wls923_domain.tar.gz /opt/prd/app_domain

Step 2) Create /apps Directory

You'll need to verify the appropriate users & groups have proper access to /apps
mkdir /apps
chmod 700 /apps

Step 3) Download & Install Weblogic 10.3.4 from
A registered Oracle account is required to download the binary. We are using Linux Oracle WebLogic Server 11gR1 (10.3.4) + Coherence - Package Installer

After the download completes, start the install at the console by typing:
chmod +x wls1033_linux32.bin

That will begin the extract and start the install. You have to export X11 if you want a graphical interface.
However, you can complete the upgrade via command line.

Step 4) Create a New Middleware Home: /apps/oracle/middleware.
You can change the path to any location.

Step 5) You may bypass the critical email updates option.

Step 6) Select Custom Install and select components to install.

Step 7) In our case we selected the base options.

Step 8) JDK Selection
We are using Sun's JDK but select Jrockit if applications were complied using that JDK.

Step 9) Weblogic Server Binary Location
You can leave the default path and click Next.

Step 10) Installation Summary
This is the last step before initiating the install. If no changes are needed select Next

Step 11) After the install is completed, leave Run QuickStart Checked and click Done.

Step 12) Select Upgrade Domains to 10.3.4

Step 13) Overview of Upgrade Procedure
This describes the upgrade process in detail.
Select 9.0 or Higher

Step 14) Browse to your domain i.e. /opt/prd/app_domain

Step 15) Create Backup of Existing 9.2 Domain

Step 16) Comfirm Backup 9.2 Zip Location

Step 17) Finalize Domain Upgrade
Domain Upgrade Complete

Step 18) *Optional

Depending on how you administer your environments, you may notice that numerous JDKs are copied to your domain or Weblogic home, which over time can create some clutter. It’s my preference to move JDKs to a dedicated directory. You can bypass if you want to keep the defaults. Here’s what you need to do:
mkdir /apps/java/
mv /apps/oracle/middleware/jdk160_21 /apps/java/

Edit Oracle home files to point at the new java location:
./wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ JAVA_HOME="/apps/oracle/middleware/jdk160_21"
Edit domain environment startup scripts or nodemanager startup parameters.


if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Oracle" ] ; then
export JAVA_HOME
if [ "${JAVA_VENDOR}" = "Sun" ] ; then
export JAVA_HOME

Step 19) Verify Domain Upgrade Success
Browse to your domain home and view config/config.xml. You should see
Also, you will notice default startup scripts in /bin were renamed to .bak.
If you have customer scripts or use nodemanager you will have to update to point at the new JDK and Weblogic home directories.

Step 20) Start Admin, Managed Instances, And Redeploy Applications
After you have verified all startup scripts are configured properly, start the admin and managed instances and redeploy your applications.
Congratulations, you have successfully upgraded to 11g.

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