Thursday, March 6

How doy ou troubleshoot a crash? Server Hang?

How doy ou troubleshoot a crash?
Answer :
JVM crash generates a hs_err_pid file.
We need to look into the stack trace of the hs_err_pid file .If the thread is from a native io, we need to disable native io. if the stack trace is from the driver, we need to get in touch with the drive team. Quite possibly its a problem with driver. Changing the type of driver can be a workaround. If the thread shows it coming from an optimzed code, we can turn of optimization. If the stack is from native calls of application, its a bug with the application and it has to b modified.

Ho do you troubleshoot Server Hang?
Answer :
We can use java weblogic.Admin PING to check if we get a normal response. We need to take multiple thread dumps with kill -3 pid on unix and CTLR Break on Windows. Analyz e the thread dump to find the root cause.

What can be the reasons of Server hang?
Answer : Memory leak, database query taking a long time to return, Deadlock.

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