Sunday, March 2

Weblogic Administration Interview Questions

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Q8)What are the Default port number for admin, node manager and ssl ? 
Default multicast address? Multicast range?
Default port no for admin :7001
ssl: 7002 
node manager: 5556
Default multicast address :
range to


1.      What is a Domain? 

3.      What is configuration management?

5.      How many domains you can create?

8.      If two managed servers is there Same Domain is configured in both servers, but one server is crashed then how can you create a domain with the same configuration?


9.      How to configure proxy if multiple manager servers are there in cluster?

10.   Where will you check whether the cluster is load balancing the request?

11.   Difference between horizontal clustering, vertical clustering and where both are used?
12.   How can the cluster members will communicate? 

13.   If some servers in cluster are running some of them are down is it deployment is possible?

14.   How managed servers will communicate in cluster?

15.   What is the cluster in weblogic ? Cluster types and cluster algorithms?

16.   Steps for horizontal clustering? 

17.   Two managed MS1, MS2 servers is there in a cluster. how can you say that load is there on only one server?

18.   Give me the real time scenario to configure weight based algorithm in a cluster?

19.    How to configure the cluster?

20.    What are the differences between multicast and unicast clustering? 

21.   Which protocol is used for the unicast clustering?

22.   What is Multicast IP Address? What are the things done by it? How to test multicast IP?
Session replication is a mechanism used to replicate the data stored in a session across different instances. However, the replicated instance must be part of the same cluster. When session replication is enabled in a cluster environment, the entire session data is copied on a replicated instance. However, the session replication operation does not copy the attributes that cannot be serialized in a session and any instance specific data.

23.   Session replication along with load balancing provides good failover capabilities for web applications.

24.   What is heart beating?
it is broadcast message that "i am alive" and sends requests to other members in a cluster.

25.   What is primary server and secondary server?
The primary name server is the first server used for information about a domain as well as the location of resources associated with a domain. The information stored on the primary and secondary name servers is exactly the same. The primary server acts as the master of information control while the secondary name server periodically copies primary server information.

26.   what is a session?
SESSIONS specifies the maximum number of sessions that can be created in the system. Because every login requires a session, this parameter effectively determines the maximum number of concurrent users in the system. You should always set this parameter explicitly to a value equivalent to your estimate of the maximum number of concurrent users, plus the number of background processes.

27.   How to configure a cluster?

28.   Difference between horizontal and vertical cluster?
Horizontal clustering involves running multiple Java application servers that are run on two or more separate physical machines. 
Vertical clustering, however, consists of multiple Java application servers on a single physical machine.

29.   How to check weather the cluster multicast address is available or not?

30.   What is the command to check in unix environment?

31.   how do u do clustering in u r environment?

32.   How admin server knows that the managed server is down?

33.   What does 'stub' mean in weblogic server?

34.   What happen when your database and proxy server are down and your weblogic server is up?
 request will not reach weblogic weblogic will not reach database

35.   What is Virtual Host in Weblogic , how to create it & what is the advantage ?
It is nothing but host names to which weblogic server

36.   How to configure proxy if multiple manager servers are there in cluster?

37.   Where will you check whether the cluster is load balancing the request?

38.   Difference between horizontal clustering, vertical clustering and where both are used?
39.   How can the cluster members will communicate? 

40.   If some servers in cluster are running some of them are down is it deployment is possible?

41.   How managed servers will communicate in cluster?

42.   What is the cluster in weblogic ? Cluster types and cluster algorithms?

43.   Steps for horizontal clustering? 

44.   Two managed MS1, MS2 servers is there in a cluster. how can you say that load is there on only one server?

45.   Give me the real time scenario to configure weight based algorithm in a cluster?

46.   How to configure the cluster?

47.   What are the differences between multicast and unicast clustering?

48.    Which protocol is used for the unicast clustering?

50.   Use of Stub?

Node Manager

2.       What is a Node Manager

4.        What is Node Manager and why it is required?

5.      What is the node manager? Advantage of using node manager?

6.      Default port number for admin, node manager and ssl ? 

7.      Default multicast address? Multicast range?

8.      How to configure the node manager?

9.      Default node manager port number?

 Difference Between....

10.              what-is-difference-in-webxml-and weblogic.xml?

14.              what-is-difference-between-process-and thread?

17.              What is the difference between telnet command and dbping command (While we checking the Database is up/down) ?

18.              What is the difference between heap dump and thread dump?

19.              What are the difference b/w web server and proxy server?

20.              Difference between unicast and mulicast?

21.              What is difference between welogic server and WebSphere?

22.              What is the major difference between Managed Server and Admin Server?

23.              What are the differences between JAR,WAR and EAR file?

24.             Difference between weblogic and WebSphere?
         Both provides the same functionality.

25.             What is difference between jboss and weblogic?
26.              What is the difference between JNDI & JDBC?


5.   You are deploying application using weblogic.Deployer then SSL is configured then what are the parameters you pass with the weblogic.deployer?

6.    If SSL is configured then which key is send to the client?

7.   In SSL configuration what type of key algorithms is there?

Apache configuration

5.      What is Load balancer?

6.      How to configure apache?

7.      How to restart proxy?

8.      What is important file in Apache plug in?

 what type of applications we use to deploy in webserver?

Can we configure webserver and application server explicitly?


5.      Deployment steps using admin console ?

6.      Deployment using java weblogic.Deployer command?

7.      Deployment using wlst?

9.    How can u get the deployment files from another box and from where u will get?

10.  Do you have web.xml in .ear?

11.  Do we deploy jar file?

12.  What is the architecture for deploying the applications in unix environment?

13.  How to deploy applications?
A.      The following sections describe the steps that are required to deploy applications to the target environment, including:
Note: Before deploying to the target environment, be sure that you have prepared the target environment and the application, as described in the following sections:

14.  How many types of deployments?

15.  using console or weblogic.deployer or ant scripts

16.  What happen if we deploy our component in weblogic server?
A.      If we deploy the war files we are enable the config

17.  What are the benefits of load order in the deployment of the application?
we can define which jar or class files will load before the others. So if there are any dependencies among the multipile applications then the initial application is loaded first.

18. What is the deployment order?


6.   What is thread dump? When we collect the thread dump? How can you analyze the thread dump?   What are the threads find in the thread dump? 

9.  What is the tool u r using for thread

15.In which file/script we need to change the heap size? What is the variable name to search to change the heap size

17. What is performance tuning?

18. How do you take Thread Dumps? When?

19. How do you analyze low performance?

20.  What is tuning how can u performances the tuning? (u told me the only parameters, is there anything else)

21.  Is necessary to change the jdbc connections number frequently in production is there any chance to solve that, if we want to performance tuning on jdbc?

23. What is garbage Collection? How does it work at JVM level?

24. What is the thread hogging?

25. What is the command to take Thread Dump?

26. Did you face any out of memory error in your project?

27. Can we increase thread count if required?

28. How to find heap memory and how to set that?

29. From where we can set heap memory?

30. How to find virtual memory?(grep Memtotal /proc/meminfo)?

31. Various garbage collection algorithms?

32. How can u identify the out of memory problem and how to resolve it?

33. What are your activities for fine tuning?

34. What are the things to be take care under OS fine tuning?

35. How to find Garbage Collection apart from Admin console? 

What is CLOUD Environment ?

     What is Cache memory?

Difference between web.XML, weblogic.XML and application.xml?

What is EMConsole?

Backup of Domain? Pack and Unpack Commands?

what is the difference between hardware load balancer and software load balancer and which load balancer we are using in weblogic?

How can we apply patches in weblogic?

Sun JDK vs JRockit

How Weblogic Starts?

What is the difference between Process and Thread?

What is session replication?

How to redirect the ThreadDump to separate file?

What is T3 protocal?

Two managed MS1, MS2 servers is there in a cluster. how can you say that load is there on only one server?

what is garbage collection? what is recommended GC technique?

How can we increase heap memory from command line?

what is xa and non xa ?

what is a jndi and what is the use of jndi ? plz give me some clarity on jndi ?

What is the diff between unicast and multicast?

What is the deployment descriptor?

what is "LDAP" server? & how can we use LDAP in our weblogic environment?

what are the possible reasons to start the server in Admin mode?

Why we are going for external http servers?

How can we configure secure cookies on WebLogic Server?

How to Configure Session Timeout in Weblogic Server?

How to Debug WebLogic Server (WLS) Life Cycle Problems?

How to Configure WebLogic Managed Server to listen on HTTPS only?

What is JTA?

What is Weblogic Muxers?

what happens if I want to use the same nodemanager for multiple domains?

What is Weblogic JSessionID?

How can we define in weblogic configuration how many concurrent users are allowed or can be allowed at a time to a particular application?

When core dump will not be created even if the server crashed?

"suppose at that time bulk no.of requests are coming... server is too much overloaded? Even though adjust the heap memory also they are getting the same result... how do you tune that situation?

How can we verify the ejb modules in weblogic server ?

difference between 32bit and 64 bit?

We have 25 Applications in our environment, We want the downtime for all applications (for server reboot) in that scenario how we can stop the applications in our environment? We have to stop each and every server instances independently or not? or Is there any mechanism to stop the all servers, What is that?

What is the difference between telnet command and dbping command (While we checking the Database is up/down) ?

We have Node manager in our server, But need Downtime for the application. Is it possible? If possible How? What configurations are required in NM?


How to install domain in multiple Linux boxes ?

whats the difference between Apache and Tomcat?

How to turn all trafic to 2nd server?

how to setup maintenance page for Apache when weblogic server or application down time?

Decrypt/encrypt password on WLS

How will we see the files that are modified 2 days back?

What is the use of STUB?

What is a virtual host?

What is Durable and Non-Durable? Example?

How does a server know when another server is unavailable?

What is the MSI mode in Weblogic? How can you enable and disable this option?

How Administration server and Managed servers will interact?

Difference between execute queues and work Managers?

How do you differentiate between a server hang and server crash issue?

How can we set the deployment order for applications?

What is the difference between weblogic and websphere?


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    the blog you have written about weblogic is good and didnt find this plenty of info in any other blogs.

    also try to add the new features which included in 12c.

    keep it up and a very good job done. :)
    Thank you so much.

  3. Hi narayana,
    Thanks a lot for posting these many questions they are very helpful.

  4. Hi narayana,
    Thanks a lot for posting these many questions they are very helpful.

  5. Hi narayana,
    Thanks a lot for posting these many questions they are very helpful.

  6. The questions are very useful..But, why there is no link to see answers for several questions like in clusters 9-21 ??

  7. Please provide the link under all the questions to see the answers quickly with out searching anywhere.

  8. hiii Mr.Narayana your provided very good qo. about weblogic its so helpfull to who are trying to get a job in that stream but where can i find the answers please give me a link for answers or send it to me my mail address its more helpfull to me.
    Thank you

  9. hi naryana,

    it is good reallyb you are champ of weblogic ,Please request you upload any blog about SOA also

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  12. Awesome, This post covered almost all interview questions. get project support for weblogic application server course

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Description:

    § B2BProd is a Weblogic Integration Cluster Domain with mged_00, mged_10 managed servers.

    § Data sources are updated with the required WLI Tables.

    § Created a Process Application BBMB.ear with Stateless Process.jpd.

    § Created BBMBJMSServer_1, BBMBJMSServer_2 with File Stores BBMBFileStore_1 and BBMBFileStore_2.

    § Created the required queues AsyncDispatcher, AsyncDispatcher_error targeted to the JMS sub deployments BBMBSubDep_1, BBMBSubDep_2.

    § Deployed successfully BBMB.ear file to cluster environment.

    Issue: JPD failed to load when we accessed the "Process instance monitoring" in WLIConsole

    This is working in NonCluster Weblogic domain. Failing in cluster environment.

    Please let me know if you ever faced this issue.

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  17. Hi Narayan,
    can you lease help me to solve the below error in managed server log...

    <general exception
    java.lang.NullPointerException: FileName

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  80. Quickbooks error 103 & 310 are banking error codes in Quickbooks which occur when the login credentials are not accepted by the financial instituitons or when the login request is stopped. To get more help in resolving Quickbooks error 103 & 310, call QBSsolved at 888-910-1619.

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    SSL Certificate in Ghaziabad

  86. very interesting 

    SSL Certificate in Ghaziabad
