BMC Remedy
ticketing tool:
IITL (Information
Technology Infrastructure Library) Process:
1. Change
2. Incident
3. Problem
4. Release
Different Types of
1) Incident ticket
which identity by INC: Something happen accidently the ticket
which raises manually or automatically.
Ex: WebLogic
server failed to startup ticket will
be raised automatically.
2) Change ticket by
CRQ: If somebody wants to do change or
creating a new during that time the change management ticket uses.
3) Problem ticket
which identified by PBC: It is used to managed problem
investigations known errors and solutions DB(Data Base)entries. Problem
management can practically prevent the occurrence of incidents errors and
addition management.
States of Tickets:
1) New: Displays
when creating a new record or ticket.
2) Assigned: Auto
set to assigned when you create a new incident assigned to someone.
3) In progress: Actively
working on that incident also must select at assigning a record to yourself.
4) Pending: can’t
work on that incident must fill in the reason failed or pending. It means
keeping the ticket on hold for some time.
5) Resolved: A
solution or work around has been found, must fill in the status reason failed.
6) Closed:
The system will auto-close in five business days or if user wants
close the ticket we can close immediately or manually.
7) Canceled: If
record was an accident or the issue doesn’t need resolution customer or support
staff may task incident as cancelled.
Urgency or priority:
1) Critical: It
will impact business.
2) High: It
will import only for that server or only for that particular batch systems.
3) Medium: It
is not that much critical but still we need take task on that job.
4) Low: It
does not require to consider this point.
If any production changes have been done. The change request
will be raised.
Status of Tickets:
1) Requested: The
ticket is in requested state. These are different levels of approvals needed
for implementing any change request.
Line manager ready.
Production co-ordinater ready.
Change co-ordinate ready.
Skill group implementation (Request implementer) ready.
2) Ready: While
getting the approvals the ticket will be in ready state.
3) Scheduled: After
getting the approvals the ticket will come in to scheduled state.
4) Accepted: For
implementing any change request ticket should be in scheduled state. The
request has to be accepted.
5) Resoled:
6) Failed
7) Rejected
give me example for tickets on their priority :)